Navigating the Colorado Career Advising Tool
Note: Please take the CCA Tool survey before training sessions for a more hands-on experience.
Events: Dates and Times
About Pop-Up Event: Dashboard Showcase
This training is designed to support both current and prospective users of the Colorado Career Advising (CCA) Tool Dashboard. The Dashboard enables administrators, educators, and career advisors to track and manage student or client data in one central location. With easy-to-read data tables and instant access to each individual’s CCA Tool results, advisors can efficiently prepare for career conversations, view favorite and least favorite careers, and track goals with just a click.
This event is open to existing CCA Tool Dashboard users, as well as those interested in learning more about how a Dashboard can benefit their organization. The session will feature live demonstrations, quick tutorials, technical support, and tips to help you get the most out of this valuable tool.
Free 60-minute CCA Dashboard Showcase Training on Zoom
About Pop-up Event: Open Office Hours & Expert Help
Bring all your burning questions—we’re ready to help you get the most out of the CCA Tool!
This event is designed for current users and those interested in learning more about the Tool. Explore new features, get technical support, and learn tips and tricks. Bring your questions—this session is all about you and driven by what you want to know!
IMPORTANT! Please complete the CCA Tool Survey before attending the session.
Free 60-minute CCA Open Office Hours & Expert HelpTraining on Zoom
About Career Coaching In-Action
Observe Career Coaching In-Action: Watch as Indigo Education Company CEO, Sheri Smith, guides you through the process with a career seeker.
Integrate the CCA Tool: Gain an understanding of how the CCA Tool can enhance your career coaching practice.
Participate in Q&A: Engage in continuous question-and-answer sessions for an interactive experience.
CE Credit: Earn 1.5 hours of Colorado Continuing Education Credit for state licensing by attending.
Free 90-minute CCA Tool Career Coaching In-Action on Zoom
Join us for an advanced training session, Career Coaching In-Action, as part of our commitment to innovative career development. Designed primarily for professional counselors and career coaches, this session is also open to family members, mentors of career seekers, and individuals seeking to enhance their own career outlook.
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with fellow community members, ask questions, and learn more about the CCA Tool's impact on career advancement.
IMPORTANT! Please complete the CCA Tool survey before attending the session.
About Pop-Up Event: Career Matching
This training offers a practical walkthrough of the Career Suggestions tabs, search function, sorting and filtering capabilities, as well as tips and tricks for offering effective career guidance.
Explore Careers in-depth through comprehensive information on each career option. Learn how to empower Career Seekers to independently explore careers with accessible local labor market data, informative videos, Top Tips, Industry Insights, Colorado education pathways, and more!
Free 30-minute CCA Tool Career Matching Training on Zoom
Become an expert in the CCA Tool’s Career Suggestions in just 30 minutes! Discover how to efficiently navigate the Tool's features to assist Career Seekers of all backgrounds in finding their ideal career paths.
This Pop-Up Event is open to career advisors, educators, workforce development leaders, mentors, parents - anyone looking to provide career guidance!
Career Seekers of all ages are also welcome! No advising experience necessary.
About the Introduction Training
Mastering the CCA Tool: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the CCA Tool, learning how to navigate its details and resources effectively.
DISC Components for Connection: Learn how to utilize the DISC model to connect with your students and adult learners on a deeper level by understanding and matching their communication styles.
Motivators and Career Fulfillment: Explore how to identify and interpret motivators to guide individuals toward fulfilling career choices and aligning with the ideal corporate culture.
CE Credit: Earn 1.5 hours of Colorado Continuing Education Credit for state licensing by attending.
Feedback Opportunity: Be an integral part of our ongoing development by asking questions, providing feedback, and helping shape the future of the CCA Tool.
Free 90-minute Colorado Career Advising Tool Introduction on Zoom
This workshop is designed to accompany CEI’s Meaningful Career Conversations training but prior experience with their training is not required. Join us in this journey to leverage technology to optimize your advising practices and make a meaningful impact on the career trajectories of those you serve.